By Frank Mollers 5 years ago
This is a true story about Nepal and focused on the governments of Australia / Canada / UK and the USA. I really hope that journalists in these countries pick it up and please contact me for more information if needed..
Nepal is attracting a lot of tourists per year who come for the mountains but also for all the other things to do, like Rafting, Paragliding and the mentioned visits of the nature parks. Not to forget that Nepal is known for the spiritual background and although the main religion is Hinduism, Buddha was born in Nepal.
De Roparun zamelt geld in voor mensen met kanker in de laatste fase van hun leven. De prachtige slogan zegt “Leven toevoegen aan de dagen, waar vaak geen dagen meer kunnen worden toegevoegd aan het leven“. De slogan zegt alles.
Did you know that more than half of the Vultures in the Himalayas has declined in the last decade by over 99%? That from every 100 Vultures there is only 1 left. I didn’t know either. And do you know the reason? It is caused by a medicine called Diclofenac, very useful for humans but very deadly to Vultures. A lot of Animals get this medicine as well and if they die, that Diclofenac is eaten by Vultures and they die from it… No, I did not know either.
I have rented a house because after almost 8 years living from a suitcase half of the year, I was looking for a more ‘home’ feeling. And that worked out quite nice, a nice house, normal food instead of hotel food and pizza’s and a relaxed environment. Everything looked perfect but that is the moment you should start worrying…
By Frank Mollers 10 years ago
By Frank Mollers 10 years ago
By Frank Mollers 10 years ago
By Frank Mollers 10 years ago